Pediatric Surgery Volumes Outcomes
The following 2016-2017 Semi-Annual Cardiac Surgery Volume graph shows the number of cardiac operations performed with or without Cardio Pulmonary Bypass (CPB) by our pediatric cardiac surgeons.

** National Benchmark Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery. The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database contains data on over 414,174 total cardiac operations from 116 participants representing 127 different hospitals as of December 2016.

“Operative Mortality is defined in all STS databases as (1) all deaths, regardless of cause, occurring during the hospitalization in which the operation was performed, even if after 30 days (including patients transferred to other acute care facilities); and (2) all deaths, regardless of cause, occurring after discharge from the hospital, but before the end of the 30th postoperative day.”

STAT Category | FY 2017 UCSF Mortality (%) | FY 2016 STS Mortality (%) |
STAT CATEGORY 1 | 0.00% | 0.40% |
STAT CATEGORY 2 | 1.20% | 1.60% |
STAT CATEGORY 3 | 0.00% | 2.60% |
STAT CATEGORY 4 | 2.24% | 6.80% |
STAT CATEGORY 5 | 3.85% | 15.60% |
The STS-EACTS Mortality Category or “STAT” Category is a method of estimating the risk of mortality for each procedure. The STAT Mortality Categories are defined in STS database as empirically derived methodology of complexity stratification based on statistical estimation of the risk of mortality of each congenital heart anomaly and cardiac surgical procedure. Procedures are assigned a STAT Category that ranges from 1 to 5. STAT Category 1 cases have the lowest risk of mortality and STAT Category 5 cases have the highest risk of mortality.